Our enterprise

502 Destination is part of an entrepreneurship 100% Guatemalan. Its object is to promote, organize and coordinate services to make of your visit an unforgettable experience with our well based values in a social focus, allowing a closer proximity to its local people and show with pride the country roots.

Our staff has a high professional profile and counts on experience advising and assisting travelers by taking care of every detail for a joyful journey; whether if it´s individual or a group.

502 Destination offers several tour packages that fit in everyone´s interests or necessities in order to satisfy our visitors expectancies.

In addition, this company counts on the support of the Guatemalan tourism boureau INGUAT - (Instituto Guatemalteco de Turismo).

Archaeological site: El mirador, Petén

Our Vision

To reafirm our commitment with the environment and society through sustainable tourism practices at the eyes of our travelers and visitors on a professional way, getting to know Guatemala from a unique different perspective.

Our Mission

To be a well known and positioned tour operator as one of the stakeholders advocating in the appropriate care of environment and sustainability of tourism.

Our values

• Social focus.
• Professionalism.
• Reliability.
• Integrity.
• Responsibility.
• Amiability.